If you are suffering from a case of acne, don't panic. Don't waste your hard-earned money on expensive treatments. Don't apply those creams the way they're meant to be applied. Instead, follow these tips for treating acne properly, starting with your diet. Give an acne treatment at least four weeks to succeed. Using a new acne cream every couple of days might seem helpful, but this approach will only aggravate your already inflamed skin. Acne breakouts need time to subside. One of the most common over-the-counter acne treatment ingredients is isotretinoin, also known as Accutane. This chemical is usually prescribed in the form of a pill. However, in order to be effective, isotretinoin must be used for at least three months. In some cases, the pill form of isotretinoin is preferred because it produces fewer side effects than the cream version. But even if you prefer to take the pill form, make sure that you use an oil-free moisturizer. There are many other topical anti...
Dry skin: Every time we are exposed to the elements (sun, wind and rain) our skin will usually lose some of its moisture content. This is not just a passive process. It is a mechanical one, which means that we need to actively maintain our skin's moisture every time we engage in outdoor skin care. You can achieve this by using proper sunscreen lotion and reapplying it every time you step out in the sun or apply a water based moisturizer every time you get moist. Acne is one of the most frequent skin-care problems around the world. The problem is made worse by the fact that it can happen at any time of the year. Most sufferers are teenagers and young adults who do not know what ingredients to look out for in a good acne skin-care routine and how to choose a quality acne fighting cream. Unfortunately, this can make it a difficult task to find a suitable solution that can effectively eliminate the problem. Toners are another important ingredient in a good skin care routine. Unfortun...